Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Empire Strikes Back at the Bundys.

Rancher calls new public lands plan retaliation.
Bundy Ranch Facebook page.

1 comment:

Dakota said...

The American farmer / rancher is being shut out of millions of acres by the Federal government to enrich themselves and their buddies. BLM and almost the entire Federal system are some of the most lawless bunch of assholes on the planet. They have no right to those lands, those are State lands that belong to the tax payers of those that live in those States.

What happened to the lawsuits that were supposedly filed (I believe in Utah and others) for the States to retake possession of most of those lands? Did everybody get bought off or is this another news "Black Hole"? Until "We the People" decide to stand up and do something as an organization of some kind, we will continue to be rolled over by those that have an organization. Until we start funding resistance of some kind instead of buying the latest toy to hang on our 14 AR's then we will continue to fail, and fail right into the "death camps". Hell even the dumbass liberals who are idiots and could not find their way home can organize and defeat us.

The Bundy fiasco was a victory of sorts, but serves as a strong lesson in just how poorly organized we are. Support was given in it's most pure form and then descended into anarchy and lack of leadership. Bundy will never get anywhere because he is another "common law" fool, a good man but a fool nonetheless.